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Section of Chinese Philosophy

  • Qingnan MENG
  • Associate Professor (Tenured)
  • Office:Lee Shau Kee Humanities Buildings (李兆基人文学苑) No. 2, Room 309
  • Email: meng_qingnan@126.com
  • Education: PhD, Peking University, 2011
  • Areas of Research:Early Study of Confucian Classics, Philosophy in Pre-Qin Dynasty, Metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasty.

My current research focuses on the early Study of Confucian Classics(经学). This research progressing in the perspective of the history of philosophy, hopes to reveal the profound reflections on the life world presented in the early interpretations of Confucian Classics, and to clarify the significance of the Study of Confucian Classics in ancient China. In this field of study, it deals mainly with issues related to Shi(诗) and Li(礼).

The Study of Confucian Classics is closely related to Confucian philosophy. However, the construction and development of Confucian philosophy itself has always been done in interaction with other schools. Therefore, my research on the study of Confucian classics and the Confucian philosophy has also led to the discussion of Taoism and Neo-Taosim.

Selected Publications

Qingnan Meng: Exploring the Formation of the Meaning of Confucian Classics from the Change of the Meaning of Guan Yu, Contemporary Theory and Practice of Confucianism" - Proceedings of the International Academic Conference for Tang Yijie’s thought, 2017.
Qingnan Meng: On the Foundation of Three-Year-Mourning in Early Confucianism, The Central Plains Culture Research 2016(5), 2016.
Qingnan Meng: On the Meaning of Wedding Ceremony in Early Confucianism, Chinese Confucianism 12, 2017.
Qingnan Meng: A Comparative Study of the Natural State Theories of the Pre-Qin Scholars, Journal of Yunnan University (Social Sciences Edition) 2016 (1) :37-45, 2016.
Qingnan Meng: On the Natural Foundation of Guo Xiang's Political Philosophy, Taoism Culture Research, 31, 2018.