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Section of Philosophy of Science and Technology


    Bachelor degree of chemistry, PhD of philosophy of science and technology, now associate Professor of Philosophy Dept, and Director of Center for Science Communication, Peking University. Member of SHARE (Science, Health, Agriculture, Environment and Risk)Communication in Asia.

    Main research areas are science communication, STS (science, technology and society), after especially visiting several foreign universities and travelling in a dozen of countries now is more interested in the cultural comparison between traditional Chinese thinking and western civilization. As a result his two main graduate classes are “Public and science in perspective of comparison between China and west”, and “International communication of Taijiquan”.


Selected Courses

Public and science in perspective of comparison between China and west; International communication of Taijiquan

Selected Publications

Xiaomin Zhu: The ‘Great Leap Forward’ of Public Scientific Literacy in China, Journal of Scientific Temper 5(1-4):7-20, 2017, http://op.niscair.res.in/index.php/JST.
Xiaomin Zhu: A review on relationship between scientific literacy and science popularization in China, Science and Society (1):24-34, 2016, http://chuansong.me/n/312436951554.
Xiaomin Zhu: “System” and “function” of structural reforms of science and technology ——a thinking of structural reforms of science and technology in China, Studies in Dialectics of Nature (7): 70-75, 2012, http://zhwhdx.ustc.edu.cn/zhwhdx/news/detail_197014.htm.
Xiaomin Zhu: A Study on the Role Change and Evaluation of Scientist in Popularization of Science, Studies in Dialectics of Nature (12), 2006.
Xiaomin Zhu: The communication of Taijiquan from the perspective of cultural difference between China and western countries, Chinese Martial Arts (3):52-54, 2015, http://zhwhdx.ustc.edu.cn/zhwhdx/news/detail_196946.htm.
Zhu, Xiao-Min ,From Science Communication to Subjective Practice: The Observation and Reflection of a Participating Expert,Journal of Communication Research and Practice,Volume 10 Number 2 July 2020,pp 59-83.